Day 58 and 59- September 4 and 5, 2008

Day 58 & 59
September 4 & 5, 2008
Garden City RV
Skagway, AK

Just a quick note before we head back out to do more "lookin' around". We went into downtown Historic Skagway yesterday and took some pictures and did a little shopping. Merrell bought me two (YES, TWO) rings for our 40th anniversary. I got a green garnet (it's green instead of red) and a ruby. They were having a good end of season sale and I LOVE rings. Four cruise ships were in town so it was pretty crowded. I hope to get more pictures today.
After we got back to the RV, we did laundry so we would be free today. They are waiting on me to get ready, so I will post more later.
Today is Merrell's Birthday, so I'm gonna take him out to dinner.
Love, US