Days 41 and 42-August 18 and 19, 2008

Day 41 and 42
August 18 and 19, 2008
Grizzley Bear RV Park
Denali National Park, Alaska
Drove back to ShipCreek RV Park, Anchorage Alaska

Carolee and Howard at the Denali State Park sign. There is a Denali National Park and a Denali State Park and they both have some beautiful scenery.

Howard with Mt. McKinley in the background. It's harder to see it at this angle than it was in the next pictures.

Mt. McKinley in all it's glory. Isn't it a beautiful sight. Sure wish I could paint. Sure wish I was a good photographer. :>)

Here it is again, zoomed in a little bit.

Here is another view of Mt. McKinley. As we were driving down the road, we could see it for miles in front of us. It's 20, 320 feet high. It's an awesome sight to see and something that would be really hard to forget.

We stayed at the Grizzley RV Park on Monday the 18th and then drove back to Anchorage on the 19th. We drove to Talkeetna which is at the base of Mt. McKinley (or Denali as the natives call it). On the drive from the Park towards Talkeetna, we kept seeing this beautiful mountain that was nothing but snow. We stopped at a rest area to take pictures and discovered that what we were seeing was Mt. McKinley. On the tour through Denali we had hoped to see Mt. McKinley, but were told that most of the time it is covered with clouds and it's rare to get to see it. Of course, we didn't get to see it during the tour. We were so lucky that on the drive back to Anchorage, the clouds were gone and it was there for us to see in all it's glory. I can't even describe how beautiful it is, but I hope you enjoy the pictures. When we drove into Talkeetna, we saw it again hovering over the town. From what I read, Talkeetna is where most of the people who attempt to climb Mt. McKinley start their climb. Talkeetna is a neat little historic town. We didn't have room to park the motor home, so we just drove through and took some pictures and headed back to Anchorage.
We had a great time in Denali, but then again we have had a great time almost everywhere we have been. We sure do live in a beautiful world, don't we?