Day 47-August 24, 2008

August 24, 2008
Day 47
Tolsona Wilderness Campground, Glenallen, Alaska

We decided to stop for the night at this campground which is in the middle of nowhere. It's a neat campground, except Merrell discovered that there were a lot of mosquitoes when he tried to fish in the stream. The only bites he got were theirs!! Teeheehee
We are camped in the woods beside a stream and it's really peaceful and quiet. We just finished watching a DVD we bought about Alaska, the last frontier. Howard bought it first and it looked really good, so I bought one. It shows a lot of the places we have been and animals and scenery that we have seen. It was really good and I'm glad we got it. We're not sure where we are going tomorrow and so don't know if we will have cell or internet service. We don't have much cell phone signal, but the campground has WiFi, so we could check email and update the blog.
It's 9:15 and still daylight, but I think I'm going to go to bed and read awhile. It's nice and quiet here, so maybe I can get to sleep early and get up earlier than my normal (which by the way is NOT early).
It's still kind of rainy, but hopefully tomorrow will be better. We've been really lucky and haven't had a lot of rain over the 47 days we've been on the road.
Catch ya later,
Love, The Gang

Pictures of Caribou taken at a Caribou Farm between Palmer and Sutton, Alaska. I had to zoom in quite a bit and the picture isn't as clear as I wanted it to be!!! They had a whole field of caribou.

This is Merrell and Sally Harvey, Uncle George Johnson's friend. She was nice enough to have copies of Uncle George's pictures that were hanging on the wall in the Alpine Inn copied for us. She even met us and brought them to us on our way out of the Palmer/Sutton area. Without her we would not have been able to find out about his life and meet his friends. We will be eternally grateful to her. Thanks again Sally!!!!

As most of you know, I love barns and unfortunately Alaska doesn't have very many of them. This one was also located between Palmer and Sutton, AK. Taking pictures out of the window of a motor home is an acquired talent and I haven't acquired it yet!!!!

This is one of my favorite pictures I have taken. This old falling down barn was also in the Sutton/Palmer area. I just happened to see it out the window and was lucky enough that I had my camera in my hand AND turned on. Teeheehee Isn't it just a grand old barn??

Merrell took this picture of a dog that he liked the looks of. Now he can't remember what kind of dog she told him it was. Anyway, it was a dog in Alaska. Teeheehee

I took this picture going up the STEEP mountain out of Palmer towards Glenallen. I was kind of chicken and took it out the window with my head turned and my eyes shut. It was REALLY steep and had a major dropoff!!! As you can see by the road coming down the other side of the mountain (that is where we had just came from) the road was windy and up and down and STEEP. Some sections had a guardrail and MOST of them didn't!!!

Now for the REST OF OUR STORY.................. As you must have already gathered, Carolee has had a hard time staying on her feet on this trip. Well, she was at it again on the way up the mountain. As usual, she was up snapping pictures out of each side of the motorhome. Now, one would think that by now she would have learned that the roads in Alaska and Canada leave a little bit to be desired in the smoothness area, right?? Well, Merrell hit a bump and down she went!! She was lucky this time that she landed on something SOFT!! Namely Chuck. Teeheehee AND, luckily once again I had my camera in my hand and turned on and I got a picture of them while they were still laughing about it. :>)

Catch ya later,
Love, US