When we left the Wall Drug Store we had a small problem. Our motor home wouldn't start again. Donna and Merrell have insurance so after Chuck & Merrell worked on it for a while they called and a wrecker came out. The driver of the wrecker didn't know anything about mechanics and they set up an appointment for someone to come in the morning to check it out. We had everything we needed so no problem staying in the parking lot but..........the "boys" found the problem and we were on our way again.
We traveled thru so many miles of hay fields. Much like the corn fields that we left behind. We ended up at Whistlers Gulch campground at Deadwood, S. D. It is a very nice campground but it is between two hills. There is an old gold mine located a little farther up the gulch. Merrell and Chuck walked up to see what it was all about and thought they had found gold!!!! If it was it was very small flecks. Anyway,it was fun looking.
Donna worked on a video to send to Merrell's brother and wife for their 50th wedding anniversary and I (Carolee) with a little help from the boys, did all of our laundry. It took three hours at the laundromat to get everything done. Made us realise how fortunate we are to have all those things at home.. Especially having Chuck who keeps our laundry done at home. We were all tired so just rested up for the next day.